icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard A BioThings API for chemical/drug annotations

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URL: It provides a downloadable `.gsrs` file. And this file is essentially a compressed 7-zip file with a list of JSON objects. NOTE: GSRS resource is likely a successor...

data source

As shown in this example: * **generic_names** & **trade_names** fields should be a list * **dosing_guideline**: check if it can be a True/False boolean field * fields under **xrefs**...


E.g. on [`CHEMBL1201631` Compound Report Card](, there is only one drug mechanism record. However, []( shows two. The duplication comes from the original source file, []( Same problem may occur...


UNII data source dumper is here: and from @andrewsu: > looks like that dumper gets the `` file on that page. In addition `` could be useful. For example,...

data source

Consider the following query on 'siltuximab': The drugcentral id for this compound is 4977 but this id is not present in the API results: The Chembl Id 'CHEMBL1743070'...

## Version ```python obonet==0.3.0 ``` ## Related To - [Issue#83]( - [PR#106]( ## Priority **Low**. Currently it's not an issue. Maybe an issue in the future. ## Problem The `def`...


The code reads the data files and writes the unique CS and MOA values from the pharm_classes into a list. The lists are in two separate files for easier viewing....

The merging of multiple records in source databases into a single record in is a challenging process, and one where I doubt we'll ever get it perfectly "right". Having...

Currently `fda_orphan_drug` is the only plugin under the [plugins]( folder. It also relies on upstream data processing described in Sander's [fda_orphan_drug]( repo. Shall we upgrade it into an advance plugin,...

Right now, the NDC plugin is using the `RootKeyMergerStorage` class, to join documents with duplicate `_id` (productndc) values. However, with this method, it seems like a lot of information is...