Vitalii Levitskii
Vitalii Levitskii
As I promised in, trying to introduce to EtcdProcessCluster functions for changing cluster member list. As an example rewrote e2e tests from mentioned pull request.
Ofc this PR will never be merged. Although if you stuck with gogo, need "presence" feature, and brave enough.. (Added some fields to descriptor.proto manually. Didn't fix some tests -...
Functions newClientEncodingError and newServerEncodingError are called only when encoding/decoding attempt is failed, which means that either structure can't be transformed into bytes, or bytes can't be read into structure. Currently...
Since [grpc-go 1.41.0](, failed connections are moved to IDLE state without connection retries. Reconnection attempt is happening either by direct call to Connect method, or with an attempt to make...
It seems like [extensions]( are not encoded to the wire (but what's interesting - decoded from the wire). proto ``` syntax = "proto2"; option go_package = "protobuf-benchmarks/pb/google/test/test;testpb"; message MyMessage {...
Groups are deprecated feature, but still available for use in proto2. Following proto leads to uncompilable output: ``` syntax = "proto2"; message MyMessage { repeated group Group = 1 {...
## Rename Size() method Rename Size() to something that has less chance of name collision (like PB_Size()), or add new argument/option to change this name. ## Description The word "Size"...
We don't want to loss this changes, as eventually they have to be landed anyway. Revert changes of #2276 (reapplying changes from #2246). TODO: Changelog
Part of #2265