Josh J
Josh J
If running on version >3.8.0, any operation that uses creds seems to _require_ a creds.json file, whereas 3.8.0 works fine without one. This isn't made clear in the Route 53...
Tested installing this using poetry initially but it also seems to fail using pip itself. Is this just because there's no ARM build available? Using python 3.9.7 64bit ```bash poetry...
## Checklist - [x] Upgrade Terraspace: Are you using the latest version of Terraspace? This allows Terraspace to fix issues fast. There's an Upgrading Guide: - [x] Reproducibility: Are...
From what I can tell, the underlying import to create a client in go-ztcentral hard sets a [bearer-style header]( The header for self-hosted controllers needs be be 'X-ZT1-Auth' however, so...
For instance, if you know someone streams at 4k but you only want to save the 720p version, find a way to do this in either youtube_dl or after the...
Old protobuf implementation is causing security flags more and more because it's deprecated officially now. Should be upgrading to Blog post here although no hint of a migration guide...