Binh Tran

Results 11 comments of Binh Tran

This problem may be fix in #3 if I add support for c++ but I'm very busy now for cleaning that PR.

I have the script to settup the eyeleo theme to safeeyes. Can you try it?

> Could I try it without compiling SafeEyes? Yes, it just change the config of safeeyes. Safeeyes only have image on action but I can hack it by change config...

I don't know why you use Unicode in variable name, etc. I think treesitter not recognize it as the variable and concat with below line which make context line is...

I don't know exactly but I just rename the identifier on line 13 then the context work correctly. But after few line it become weird again because later have similar...

I think this PR should fix typo `valid_symbol` variable here too:

Hi @chrisgrieser, there is a patch here (#338). You can apply it locally before the PR is merged.

For anybody come here from Google, this is my solution from my config: ```lua vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(function(_nil, result, ctx, config) if result then return vim.lsp.handlers.hover(_nil, result, ctx, config) end end,...

I found a workaround by myself. ```nushell zoxide init nushell | str replace "$env.PWD -- $rest" "$env.PWD -- ...$rest" --all | save -f ~/ ```