nvim-treesitter-context copied to clipboard
"else" is not properly displayed
Hello, I have noticed a problem with the plugin when we have such case in C++:
else if(caseB)
When we scroll past the 'else' and we're within its block, the displayed context suggests that we're still in the "else if" block. I have experimented with it a bit and when I change "else" to "else if", the context is displayed properly, so it seems that the "else" is not properly handled by the plugin
My setup: NVIM v0.7.0
use { -- Shows context when not visible (e.g. class, if, namespace, case in switch)
config = function()
enable = true, -- Enable this plugin (Can be enabled/disabled later via commands)
throttle = true, -- Throttles plugin updates (may improve performance)
max_lines = 0, -- How many lines the window should span. Values <= 0 mean no limit.
patterns = { -- Match patterns for TS nodes. These get wrapped to match at word boundaries.
-- For all filetypes
-- Note that setting an entry here replaces all other patterns for this entry.
-- By setting the 'default' entry below, you can control which nodes you want to
-- appear in the context window.
default = {
cpp = { -- these values used here are treesitter node names
highlight TreesitterContext guibg=#073655 " color of the context popup
]], true)
I'm attaching treesitter tree for the case below. I'm not the best at interpreting it, but it seems that the "else" is treated as part of "else if", right? I think that "alternative: compound_statement [232, 2] - [236, 3]" should have one indentation level less
else if(caseB)
if_statement [219, 2] - [236, 3]
condition: condition_clause [219, 4] - [219, 11]
value: identifier [219, 5] - [219, 10]
consequence: compound_statement [220, 2] - [224, 3]
comment [221, 4] - [221, 9]
comment [222, 4] - [222, 9]
comment [223, 4] - [223, 9]
alternative: if_statement [225, 7] - [236, 3]
condition: condition_clause [225, 9] - [225, 16]
value: identifier [225, 10] - [225, 15]
consequence: compound_statement [226, 2] - [230, 3]
comment [227, 4] - [227, 9]
comment [228, 4] - [228, 9]
comment [229, 4] - [229, 9]
alternative: compound_statement [232, 2] - [236, 3]
comment [233, 4] - [233, 9]
comment [234, 4] - [234, 9]
comment [235, 4] - [235, 9]
I don't fully remember if the matching checks the element name before the :
, or after.
But wouldn't adding alternative
to your cpp patterns help? It looks like nothing in alternative: compound_statement
matches your patterns.
Since this plugin is just walking the tree upwards, having alternative: compound_statement [232, 2] - [236, 3]
one indentation level below the else if and below if is actually a good approach :)
This problem may be fix in #3 if I add support for c++ but I'm very busy now for cleaning that PR.