## Proposed Changes The implementation of the symmetry plane is incomplete. We follow here the book of Blazek, _Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications_ . According to Blazek, (chapter 8.6)...
When restarting a case with a different mesh (for instance restarting with a finer mesh, using the restart file of a coarser mesh), the restart file is interpolated onto the...
Restart files currently contain fields that are not necessary for restarts, like residual information, pressure coefficient, etc. I propose to store only the fields that are necessary for restarts in...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Initial inlet profile writing needs a regression test for mpi+ multiple inlets (e.g. primitive venturi case). @danielmayer we can do...
updated files for new symmetry plane implementation
I propose to move all testcase related files to this repository. That means moving the config files from the SU2 repository to this repository. I think that will make it...
update tutorial description
## Proposed Changes *Give a brief overview of your contribution here in a few sentences.* Nodes shared by an inlet and a wall show nonphysical values in the corner node...
Updated files for new implementation of symmetry plane.
## Proposed Changes V & V testcase for axisymmetric jet (SST and SA) Reproducing the self-similar jet properties reported in Wygnanski & Fiedler (1969) and Hussein, Capp & George (1994)....