Misha Merkushin

Results 10 issues of Misha Merkushin

# Context Want to make easier to start using dip for not well experienced with Docker developers. # What's inside - [x] Added Ruby gem generator - [ ] Added...


Is it possible to make this constant `Changeset::PullRequest::JIRA_ISSUE` configurable by env var?

Restrict users rights by stages and projects

help wanted

Hi! In the documentation I see: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/320886/69224694-11326b80-0b8e-11ea-99e7-3a722f3ebeba.png) But I want to customize some configuration options in REPL. So, I have `console.js` file bellow: ```js import repl from 'repl' import fs...

DIP_FILE env variable should be relative to the current directory


Hi! The link generation doesn't work well with Gitlab groups. For example, `[email protected]:group1/group2/repo-name.git` => `https://gitlab.selfhost.io/group1/group2/-/blob/master/some-file.md`. But it should be like `https://gitlab.selfhost.io/group1/group2/repo-name/-/blob/master/some-file.md`

Hi! The icon theme is super great! But I have an issue with Telegram tray icon. I think it is got from Breeze standard light scheme. ![Screenshot_20200519_123131](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/320886/82310351-f02bc580-99cc-11ea-8b94-27847ec0932e.png) Can you assume...

# Context Added Docker configuration to run AnyCable gRCP servers behind Nginx proxy. This PR tries to reproduce [that issue](https://github.com/anycable/anycable-go/issues/79). After several attempts, I couldn't break the system noticed in...

# Context We want to use [AnyCable](https://anycable.io/) as a replacement for Rails ActionCable. Most of the configs were generated by `rails g anycable:setup`

In production environment `config.serve_static_assets` should be disabled.