Misha Merkushin

Results 24 comments of Misha Merkushin

My story reboot $ docker ps Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? $ ls -l /var/run/docker.sock srwxrwxrwx 1 root daemon 0 13...

``` $ dlite ssh [email protected]'s password: ctrl + c =) $ ssh docker@$(dlite ip) [email protected]'s password: dlite-os version 1.0.0-beta3 Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec ```

I'm tired of waiting for fix of the problem 😸 [docker-machine-driver-xhyve is working like a charm](https://github.com/bibendi/dip/blob/master/docs/docker-xhyve-install.md)

Hi! Sounds good!

I think it is here https://github.com/bibendi/activerecord-postgres_enum/blob/0a1848a3273d5e7d61afb8c22032840dd9019d8d/lib/active_record/postgres_enum/extensions.rb#L7-L14 I have no more guesses :)

Yeah, this is expected behavior. It looks like about this should be written into Readme.

Hi! Good idea. I'll add this in the next release.

Hi! I've started doing something like that a year ago, but then I realized that every single project has a unique configuration. https://github.com/bibendi/dip/pull/66

Agree. I'll try to finish that if I have more free time this fall.