Hello I am processing the FASTQ raw data for 100 soil DNA samples (2 x 301 PE reads using Illumina MiSeq) for 16S (515F and 806R primers). However, I lost...
Hi Chi Firstly thank you very much for microeco package. I try to run the relative abundance for dominant functions using the package's dataset using the following script. library(microeco) fun_16S...
Hi I did PerMANOVA for beta diversity cal_diff() in microeco package. Is that possible to apply it for Alpha diversity in trans_alpha$cal_diff() like other functions (Eg. KW, KW_dunn, anova etc)...
I am trying to do the statistical tests for soil microbiome data with an unbalanced sample size among groups. I have also seen two packages in R (PERMANOVA and recently...
Hi Why use_group_list = TRUE is not working in "trans_func$plot_spe_func_perc(use_group_list = TRUE)" in the recent versions of microeco? Best