biati digital

Results 39 comments of biati digital

Looks great 👍 didn't know about svg foreignObject 🤯 About the example "**Create multiple galleries from a single lightbox**" i think it could be a little confusing for people because...

Hi @DevelGitH I'm aware of that but it still needs work, it can be enabled really easy but I don't like how the animation is handled (when going from the...

i'm not able to replicate this error on an iPhone 11 with Safari, Edge or Chrome, seems the problem is specific to Android devices. I do not own an Android...

Not sure this will be added but I do like the way fancy box shows the thumbnails. I'll leave this open to see if more people is interested in something...

Hi @Loocos this will be added in the future but will not be part of the main library, I'm planning to create a plugin system so it's easier to create...

I've planned one more (minor) update "3.0.8" and then we'll be working on V4, this version will introduce the plugin system, I've no ETA yet, I'm finishing some projects so...

That's what happen when you publish something in a hurry. I'm not gonna be able to take a look at this for some time as i have other paid projects...

Pushed a fix for this error, please try it and let me know if everything works correctly.

Hi, can I ask how did you update GLightbox? I've not published the changes on npm or a release, you need to manually download the code from GitHub.

Ohhh, i see what you mean, that will take some time, i'm really busy right now and i'm not gonna be able to take a look at this for some...