Benjamin Smith

Results 42 issues of Benjamin Smith

The edited lines were somewhat restrictive to the assumption that the first column of the constraint system is always 1. This does not appear to be necessary (even when the...

Based on the Profiler script with APP=zksnark-large and size range limited to 15..19 we get the following output file `Verifier-for--4exec-2cpu-10mem-16partitions.csv` ``` Size (inputs),Verifier (sec),isValid 32768,0.957887561,1 65536,1.446744197,0 131072,0.977929921,0 262144,1.144847189,0 524288,0.917492237,1...

Some gas estimation tests are ignored by `solidity-coverage` in CI via the `@skip-on-coverage` tag (using `mocha -g`). However, it is important that these tests are run via `truffle test`. At...

Documentation here: THis would mean we no longer need to unit test the functions as they are already tested elsewhere.

Intended to close #458, but its going to be a while. Most of this involves using ethers.BigNumber instead of bignumberjs.BigNumber but the differences are causing difficulties. Goal is to remove...

Dependabot has detected this security vulnerability: which is rooted in react-scripts v4.x and would be fixed by bumping to `"react-scripts": "^5.0.1",` Unfortunately this clashes with another dependency of ours...

It looks like the default value for the "amount" field is being set to zero which would send nothing if the amount field isn't filled. It looks like it should...


A user has requested that we show the per token sum of the transfer so they can verify the transaction has been built as expected.

Recently we have had a user (Chrome on Windows) who cannot upload the sample file: When dragging the file in the drop box is highlighted in red indicating that the...


This project is using node v14.x, might want to consider migrating to v17.x