str_contains is a great function. is it possible to use for detecting a string in a column in a dataset? is there a way for x to be a variable?...
I am now trying to extract a large number of word files (1500) placed in one folder, using readtext (after creating a list using list.files) I am getting errors with...
Thanks for the great package. Will this work with static webpages created by rmarkdown? or has to be within a shiny app?
Hello. Thanks for creating this package. I know very little about web development and your package makes creating pwa really simple. My question is if there is a way to...
I would like to thank you for working on this great package. It's extremely useful and has plenty of applications. I hope you continue to work and maintain it. I...
Is there a way to pull the abstract text into the dataframe? for example, using this code `europepmc::epmc_search(query = '"2019-nCoV" OR "2019nCoV"')` creates a 29 columns df that has useful...
Is there a way to add the share function to YAML without having collections? I tried to just place the share line by itself but it kept giving parsing error...
Is there a way to convert a static distill website into PWA? I am much into web development but I like the fact that PWAs can be installed into smart...
This is an excellent package, can get a lot of work done with minimal coding. And is educational as well (as the author described); it teaches the basics of regex...