Berend Haan
Berend Haan
@Shazwazza Do you have a link to the source of RavenDb where they implement this? We are running to some memory issues using AzureDirectory and writing a lot of times...
We are using a fork, Lucene.Net.Store.Azure, I guess your implementation is based on this? I was triggered because we do a lot of writes and keeping the index open.
> Is het mogelijk om ook de actuele teruglevering te tonen? Ik weet niet of die data ook wordt teruggeven door Frank, zo ja ik zou het graag gebruiken om...
Is anyone able to approve this PR?
I've started a PR which add an extra step to the config flow.
We are having a same looking issue regarding missing segment exceptions when reloading from blob. After a morning with a lot of coffee It looks like the result of `public...