Ben Flowers
Ben Flowers
hey @TomDyg I'm going to submit a PR for this in the next few days when I get some time :)
@fab4ever my commute is 20k, which would also be filtered by this. I will get this feature in as soon as i have time, just been really unexpectedly busy at...
Anyone taking over this PR?
This has been a long time coming? Seems like flexbox css has been abandoned – does that mean this project is going to become stale too?
Thanks for coming back. I switched to CF based namespaces and now I'm getting another issue. It seems that when I deploy my functions with serverless I get a 502...
Any clues on this? No logs anywhere that I can see? Seems rather confusing...
Sorry this was a while back - i think it would have been **3.0.0-a.7** looking at the timelines based on the issue open date
@wojtekmaj no worries - I have worked out the issue but not sure how to resolve it? The app works fine when I load ` / ` as the worker...
@wojtekmaj no it affects the production app also. The app is a single page app using react router. When I open the app at the non root level then the...
I have updated my webpack (above) with the following: ``` output: { filename: "js/[name].js", path: path.resolve("build"), publicPath: '/js' } ``` but i can see the `[hash].worker.js` isnt being built in...