Benny Neugebauer

Results 126 issues of Benny Neugebauer

### Current Behavior TSDX depends on Jest v27 (latest is v29) and this Jest version has a transitive dependency to jsdom v15.2.1 which has a security vulnerability ([CVE-2021-20066]( ### Expected...

**Describe the bug** Version: 21.0.1 **To Reproduce** When upgrading from ts-morph v20 to v21 the `getAssertClause` is no longer available on an `ImportDeclaration`: ```ts import {Project, SyntaxKind} from 'ts-morph'; const...

The PR introduced type definitions for `futuresCancelBatchOrders`. 🚀 Unfortunately, the function is missing a return-type definition which becomes a problem when trying to use it with strictly typed code:...

I am working in a TypeScript project using ES Modules (ESM) and noticed that it doesn't work out-of-the-box with the types provided from [binance-api-node/index.d.ts]( Using the following code: ```ts import...

I noticed that the `error` object looks as follows: ```json { "code": 406, "msg": "connection limit exceeded", "T": "error" } ``` My test code: ```ts import {AlpacaStream, Message} from '@master-chief/alpaca';...

I installed [docsify-cli]( v4.4.4 and got several security reports in my repo: - **Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in marked:** [email protected] requires marked@^1.2.9 via a transitive dependency on [email protected] [email protected] requires...

I love this extension! But I noticed that `jsonAbc.sortObj` removes comments from JSON5 files. Would it be possible to keep these during sorting? **Input:** ```json5 { // XYZ "xyz": "xyz",...

I am trying to use `api` to make request to [Alpaca]( The [ demo page]( shows me that I can add Authorization Headers for the API Key & API Secret....

help wanted

Hi, do you have a demo blog that uses [hexo-algolia](

The website shows a "Page not found" error. Possible fixes are to update all links in this monorepo to use or to fix the redirect of the website.