Ben McGarry

Results 35 comments of Ben McGarry

Thanks for the PR! We are having some discussions on this among the team due to the concern of storing plaintext WebDAV credentials in file store in RES. Please stand...

Reddit account passwords are a lot less risk compared to someones file storage.

Yeah I think having a strong warning might be the approach we want to go with. We have it in our privacy policy that we do store in plain text...

[Related #3115](

Yeah, since shut us out the tests appear to have all fallen over. I tried over the weekend to get them running again but didnt work. Im looking at...

Related discussion in PR comments:

All of the intergration tests requires RES to be active on the browser, so with the grep above the reason x-post isnt seen as its a clean pull of the...

Can you link the post please?

This looks to be a platform issue rather than RES. With RES disabled it shows the same as we are not doing any formatting. It looks like the comment was...