
Results 10 comments of benj919

@SuGlider / @VojtechBartoska A bit later, but in case this is helpful in general. I have struggled with the same slow connect for a day and observed vastly different results...

initial report: I get this gen3sis error on the cluster when save_state='all'. seems to work fine when save_state=NA. Any ideas why? Fehler in if (file == "") stop("'file' must be...

Hi @dkStevensNZed Thanks for this issue. Unicode plotting in R is a sad mess -.- There was an issue where Cran did a crack down recently: I'm pretty sure...

Welcome @richelbilderbeek and thank you for that workflow. I haven't worked with github actions yet, though your pull request looks good on a first glance (If limited to Macos runs...

I merged the pull request, let's see if this works out. I also reopened the issue to keep track of the next steps. > Notice how little I did: one...

Raster moved on to rely on terra and will stay in basic maintenance for the moment: . Gen3sis and it's dependencies should be installable (tested with R4.3.2 on Ubuntu)...

I agree that the current implementation of the distance matrices is the part of the simulation with the worst scaling behaviour. Part of this idea has already been implemented. The...

Hi @mmore500 Thanks for reporting this :wave: I made an attempt at fixing this in back in November last year, though checking the commit it looks like everything made...

yes, this is currently a proposal only

@edzer Thank you for that hint. Somehow it completely escaped my notice that raster moved to github as well in "recent" years...