Ben Manes

Results 62 issues of Ben Manes

ExpiringMap [compares]( nanosecond times as `time

It appears that there are some small coverage mistakes that break the `Map` contract. Guava's testlib provides a nice way to perform a deep validation in a pluggable manner. In...

I have the following configuration, ```xml CLOSEST MONDAY ``` In 2021 the 4th was a Sunday so I expected the 5th to be a holiday. This worked as expected. In...

Currently a fixed duration in `refreshAfterWrite` is supported. An evaluation per entry, similar to `expireAfter(Expiry)`, would provide a more flexible approach. In #261 this would evaluate on create, read, and...

This [Guava issue]( identified an expected optimization not being implemented. A `getAll` where some of the entries should be refreshed due to `refreshAfterWrite` schedules each key as an independent asynchronous...

@tkruse suggestion is to display the version upgrade path, e.g. ``` bash - org.mockito:mockito-all [1.10.18 -> 1.10.19 -> 1.11.5 -> 2.1.6] ``` > meaning the latest version with same major...


It appears that we still have a bug in the compute logic. The test case below should retain the previous value when the compute throws an error. Instead the failed...


Compiling my project with Java 9 produces warnings like, > Task :caffeine:compileJmhJava /Users/ben/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.rapidoid/rapidoid-commons/5.4.4/e0593fedfcdcc3c644861f3b9435824dd27d1754/rapidoid-commons-5.4.4.jar(/org/rapidoid/cache/Caching.class): warning: [classfile] MethodParameters attribute introduced in version 52.0 class files is ignored in version 51.0 class files...

By default, Axon uses Ehcache 2.x and its sampled LRU policy. In many workloads typical to databases, search engines, and analytics this is sub-optimal. LRU's bias towards recently causes cache...

Type: Feature
Priority 3: Could

It would be handy if jOOQ provided a schema validator so that an application can ensure that the generated code matches the runtime database schema. This is particularly useful when...

T: Enhancement
C: Functionality
P: Medium
E: All Editions