Ben Hearn
Ben Hearn
Hello, The first time I use bumpversion on a module it appears that the --new-version flag is required even though I have a .cfg file present. After the first bump...
I cannot seem to get to autocomplete for PyCharm. Is there any concise instructions on how to do this? Or is it not possible? I have dug in a...
Hello! I had a strange issue with the built plugins for MySql on your page, they worked for a time and then they just stopped for some reason and I...
Fixes windows newlines also. Changed \n to \r\n Only runs and modifies python files. Copies all files not just py files to new target directory to account for icons, binaries...
Hello! So I have a software project I am developing that uses this fabulous python-vlc module. I am packaging the application up using PyInstaller. When some users try to boot...
I have noticed that the copyright tag is not available int he tag map for any of the audio file types. Is this something that was missed during development?
Hello! I have just tried using your library and tried to add ID3 tags to a wave file and it does not seem to be working, I am wondering if...
Hello! First off, really great tree lib its very straightforward to use especially with the data setup! I am having an issue with rendering my (multi) selected nodes however and...