Ben Hearn
Ben Hearn
I am wondering if this bug ever got fixed? The issue still persists today. What was the suspicion to be wrong with it?
I actually found a way to do it outside of the library which works quite well. It requires the user to click ok for security preferences otherwise it works great...
Sorry to jump in on this but I also have use for the sip.wrapInstance setup. We get the statusline in Maya to place our tools so they are easily accessible:...
I found a good gist that gives me what I am after: ``` def getMayaStatusLine(): gStatusLine = mel.eval('$temp=$gStatusLineForm') ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.findControl(gStatusLine) print ptr if ptr is not None: statusLine =...
Hey guys I see your point on usiung shiboken_2. How would I build pull request 180 it to test this for boglin?
@mottosso yes PyQt4 has always worked for me in PyCharm and so has PySide if you map it to the correct module in the maya bin folder
How have you set that up for Sublime?. (personal opinion but I depise sublime for Python coding Pycharm all the way) If the setup for sublime can be replicated for...
No comparisons anymore I swear :) Do you have any suggestions of what to take a look at to get intellisense working for PyCharm? - Ben On 10 May 2017...
Killer workaround man. Totally works on our end also! On 16 May 2017 at 14:06, listyque wrote: > I made a little workaround for PyCharm. > dull import in
We have overriden PySide2 and PySide in Maya so if PySide was hardcoded it would not work for us. Perhaps just a try-catch for import PySide/PyQt4? On 24 May 2017...