Simply,you can call this function in VCSimpleSession to On and Off audio `m_micSource->interruptionBegan();` `m_micSource->interruptionEnded();`
just like #216 say , you can stream video from a different source (GPUImage), and with GPUImage, you can addTarget to GPUImageMovieWriter which could save video to disk.
install a rtmp server on one iOS device? maybe this is a way to solve your problem
did your fix this @CGWatson
@lite-J 只是举例而已; 很多地方也需要用到__bridge转换; 比如CALayer的contents `self.maskLayer.contents = (__bridge id _Nullable)heartImage.CGImage;` 以及CAEmitterCell的contents等;
I fix this issue by this way, i don't know whether it is right ``` - (void)setSelectedSegmentIndex:(NSInteger)segment animated:(BOOL)animated { if (self.selectedSegmentIndex == segment || self.isTransitioning) { return; } [self unselectAllButtons];...
yes, it is related to #56