Jang Ryeol
Jang Ryeol
For those who want to save checkpoints using Saver ops: ```python # Define your model # placeholders, ops, etc # ... # Declare saver ops saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) # Export...
@adamcrume Sure, just opened a PR #159.
@ramon-garcia Hi, the example above is quite old, and loading old Saver operations by name. It highly likely does not work with SaverV2. I suggest using SavedModelBuilder you mentioned.
You might want to check [here](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/vacuum.xiaomi_miio/#retrieving-the-access-token). I extracted Mi Home sqlite db from uncrypted iOS backup and got token from it.
Same issues here (Updating `zsh-syntax-highlighting` won't fix) - Arch Linux - zsh 5.9 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) - zsh-autosuggestions commit a411ef3e099 - zsh-syntax-highlighting commit b2c910a85
#698 seems to be the same issue. The current version of `zsh-autosuggestions` and zsh 5.9 don't go well together. I had to set `ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE="fg=250"` to make clearing work.
@Diggsey I had to install mingw compiler, and add it as linker and ar in the cargo config. Then it worked well. I guess only the linker of `rust-mingw` was...
I'm afraid I'm crouton newb and archlinux newb, but I maybe try to look into it. Any tips where to start? I heard about arm specific hacks or something, but...
`xorg` didn't work, same result. `xiwi` has same issue as https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/issues/1940. It fails to connect to the extension.