Jake Yocom-Piatt
Jake Yocom-Piatt
with the new vspd infrastructure that is replacing dcrstakepool, each ticket has a fee that must be paid. while we endeavor to avoid the scenario where a ticket is registered...
preserving privacy by using vspd has some caveats when it comes to buying tickets. even if your ticket purchase account balance suggests you have sufficient funds to buy N tickets,...
since we allow 0 confirmation tickets to be registered with vspd, it is possible that a given ticket that has registration with vspd complete ends up not getting mined, e.g....
when zkserver is running with createpolicy = token, if a client attempts to either reuse an existing authentication code or use an incorrect auth code, the server exposes its identity...
manifest filenames are currently of following form: manifest-vX.Y.Z.txt is for the command line tools manifest--vX.Y.Z.txt is for all other repos (dcrinstall, decrediton, paymetheus, etc) to improve the ease with which...