@axisalliescontango u wanna take a look ? It might be a mac specific thing idk. They get kinda nutty sometimes. Looks like the others weren't all complete duplicates. Probably same...
right on gonna be hard to fix if can't recreate. Yea not sure what history writer is either. maybe a developer will know. Hopefully next time it happens they'll give...
I would upgrade to the 2.5 stable and see if that solves the problem
So when I open the games folder where the xml and notes are. The notes are what show up in the pre. In the stable the correct notes show up...
yea i guess that's the issue then. html file isn't updating correctly. I still think it probably has to do with the above when asvitkine made it so I could...
@TheDog-GH sorry idk whats up. I asked @RoiEXLab on @Cestmoi02 s post Hopefully he'll have time before too long to help. Edit Your Yaml looks correct Edit 2 Actually I...
looks like maybe your full up ? _No space left on device java.lang.Exception_
@RaiNova Roger Cooper has been DLing manually. my guess is he goes here: but I'm not 100% sure of the process
@RogerCooper you wanna close any PRs that are no longer valid
Yea this been around as long as I can remember. Idk if there's an issue for it. Just have to use edit or Player Enforce for now. It also won't...