Brian Douglas

Results 59 comments of Brian Douglas

I would love to see this lead to other languages. I have not done this before, but the solution laid out by @jhabdas is ideal. And it seems straightforward enough...

Do you have examples of both? I wonder if the type can be used for this.

@RickWong open a PR for a README change. I tested it on my 0.40 app and it works.

Just discovered that an unrelated dependency I used for testing, react-native-mock, actually helps react-transmit proper work with react-native. Since react-transmit-native no longer works with newer versions of react-native. react-transmit needs...

Hey check out this solution. --- View raw code ``` export default function truncate(str, length = 100, ending = '...') { if (str.length > length) { return str.substring(0, length -...

@CMCSWEENE this is the code I would put at the top of the App.tsx [here]( ``` import { version } from "../../package.json"; console.log(`%c ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗███╗ ██╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██╗...

Fonts were switch in the PostList in this PR #242

Going to unassign this one. @TAKANOME-DEV is you are still around feel free to take a look, but also understand this is also blocked by this PR.

This feature needs design per #201

Curious how much complexity we would add for contributors with this addition. Also I assume we would need to explore a new deployment strategy with this implementation. Something like Railway...