Benjamin E. Coe

Results 350 comments of Benjamin E. Coe

@alexander-fenster is there a thread you can link to here that demonstrates how to use the grpc-fallback, I know you documented this in another thread.

@a281983 what environment are you attempting to run the `@google-cloud/vision` library in, would you be able to provide a code example that reproduces the issue you're seeing.

@itmayziii I don't believe we load the `project` from a service account file, could you potentially set the `GCLOUD_PROJECT` environment variable?

@itmayziii 👍I agree, our handling of project name could be more intuitive, I believe there are plans to try to better address this in the future.

@aeitzma, is there anyone on the auth team who might be able to field @duffenterprises' question.

@sai-sunder-s do you happen to have any documentation you could direct people towards, for best practices regarding desktop authentication of OAuth applications?

@zkat it looks like this could potentially give you what you need: perhaps you could figure out on a test data-set of package names what an appropriate edit distance...

@simonbuchan just landed some changes to `nyc`, `istanbul-lib-instrument`, and `babel-plugin-istanbul`, that adds support for `--all`. Would love the help testing: `npm cache clear; npm i nyc@next babel-plugin-istanbul@latest` I'm using configuration...

@gcc42 I agree, we should make an effort to fix this.

@richardbarrell-calvium this change seems reasonable to me, but I would like to test in a few environments before landing. Could I bother you to rebase and push, for whatever reason...