Benoît Bouré

Results 140 comments of Benoît Bouré

Thank you for your feedback @darbio > Storage is generally cheaper than compute, so this isn't an anti-pattern (data duplication). In fact, it is generally recommended to separate your data...

@honkskillet I see you are using Lambda (at least in this example). I just have another approach for that. Basically I just have 2 Lambda templates: one for requests and...

@honkskillet Would something like this be what you are looking for? ````yml - dataSource: mySource type: Query field: field templates: "myTemplates.vtl" ```` ````vtl ## BEGIN REQUEST { ## addPost-request-mapping-template.txt "version"...

Keep an eye on v2 :)

I'm expecting to launch an alpha soon (in a few weeks at most). I'm a bit busy with client work right now :)

Hi, thanks for reaching out. I just tried to reproduce this but I can't Did you try re-installing the plugin? or checking the version ``` npm info serverless-appsync-plugin ```

@eloypnd I think this is not the first time it happens. There was a breaking change at some point in a recent version I believe. You should not see that...

Sorry for leaving that aside for so long. @eloypnd are you still experiencing this issue? #220 was indeed what probably caused this. Have you tried the suggested solutions there? If...

@NevRA I understand this is an issue. I do not see an easy fix to that now. A workaround would be to use js macros to achieve that. Something like...

Hi @Jackychans There are several issues here I think 1) AppSync does support several API keys definitions, and that is definitely something we should support (Currently, we don't) 2) Currently,...