
Results 71 comments of Bazz

You might want to look into mednafen's debugger. It implements "something like a call stack" One could view its implementation as a way of circumventing those issues. I've written a...

I want to add that I use OS X Yosemite, and bsnes plus shows the image fine, I don't recall any lag, but Native File Dialogs hangs the emulator (no...

so tell me, why can we do `jmp label` but not `lda label` ?

OK, and why does `lda #label` work? On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 11:25 AM, nicklausw [email protected] wrote: > There is no 8-bit jmp, so 16-bit becomes the default. >...

> Your example, when linked, uses 0xA9 for lda #label which is not the right opcode. Actually, that's the right opcode.

Everybody, the point of the conversation is deduct why immediate addressing of a label without hinting works fine for 16-bit, but not absolute addressing (and likely the other non-immediate addressing...

Sounds right. That's much clearer

> it doesn't seem to work well if you ever do arithmetic Can you please provide a bug_exhibition that demonstrates "not working well"? When I was making contributions to [mitmproxy](,...

I think first we ought to - restructure the README's organization - fix grammar - ? before making it into something foreign

@vhelin is that functionally different syntax? @nicklausw my concern is that the two are not functionally identical.