Hello ! Windows user here ! I run the latest ofelia version on the latest (I think) Pd version, and trying to implement the exemples from ofBook, I discovered some...
There's this wonderfull glsl library called lygia ( which comes with a ton of incredible utilities, functions, etc. However it relies heavily on #include that Ofelia doesn't recognize... Or at...
I've installed Ofelia, executed the scripts for debian, and I get the error message you can see in the title. After digging my packages on synaptic, it seems that I...
You can observe this problem in the attached folder, I tried my best to document it well. Apparently, a possible fix is applying [noisegate~] only on the source sound, and...
I downloaded all project files as .zip, unzipped them and opened a terminal in the downloaded folder. I ran the first command line in the Readme, no problem. Then, I...