Babu Vincent(bavincen)
Babu Vincent(bavincen)
Guess this issues occurred due to different locale. Can you check with default locale (English) are you facing any issues?
what is your TB language ? @keforbes
Can you try to change update options in Preference.' I would suggest Clearing cache.. Regards
For this: 1) we need to identify the incoming mail is shared calendar invite. 2)create a interface in mail , may be add calendar, ( like accept, decline button) 3)write...
can you also post this in lighting ?
Hello How I have to reproduce this Regards On Thu, Aug 4, 2016, 17:08 powery [email protected] wrote: > Duplicite to #470 > > > — > You are receiving...
Can you please check wiki for how to add ews calendar.. On Mon, Jan 30, 2017, 14:33 ricsal1 wrote: > Hello, > > Thank you for you help, but sill...
use latest 3.8.0-beta4
Can you contribute building wiki better Thanks
You can search the available Meeting rooms :)