Sérgio Batista

Results 7 comments of Sérgio Batista

I assume this question would be better in SO (and spellchecked). Nevertheless, the following is how I've implemented in **Angular 1.5**: --- In my route (this case `/lazyloaded-route`) resolver, i...

:+1: same issue here with `v0.10.0` and no `--coffee` flag. **to reproduce:** new `$ yo angular myproj`project with all the default options and then imediately run `$ grunt test` gives...

@z0al thanks! can confirm your change has reduced our bundle by `36.7kb` gzipped 🙌 In our case was injecting the `rich-text-html-renderer.es5.js` into the bundle, no longer happening 👍 .

Hey @mderazon sorry I have been away, catching up on this repo status. As for your question, originally there was no need for digging deeper as I developed this to...

> Status of this? @batista @goktugyil I haven't been able to dedicate time for this topic. I do not want to make breaking changes as the existing default behavior is...

any updates on this one? am trying to follow up on @tylkomat fiddle, but with 8 elements per row. it works ok-ish, but if i keep scrolling the second time...