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How to lazy load 'component' in angular 1.5/1.6?
From angualar 1.5,a new feather 'component' is published. But,in ui-router ,how to lazy load the 'component'?
I assume this question would be better in SO (and spellchecked).
Nevertheless, the following is how I've implemented in Angular 1.5:
In my route (this case /lazyloaded-route
) resolver, i trigger the component loading from a loading service that encapsulates ocLazyLoader and adds some more behavior (in my specific case, I use it for only loading the components if the user has permissions to do so).
/* routes.js */
function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('lazyloaded-route', {
url: '/lazyloaded-route',
template: '<lazyloaded-component></lazyloaded-component>',
resolve: {
loadFiles: ['$injector', function($injector) {
return $injector.get('lazyLoadingService').loadFiles();
/* lazy-loading.service.js */
.factory('lazyLoadingService', lazyLoadingService);
lazyLoadingService.$inject = ['$ocLazyLoad'];
function lazyLoadingService($ocLazyLoad) {
var _filesLoaded = false;
var _loadingFilesPromise;
return {
loadFiles: loadFiles
function loadFiles() {
if (!_filesLoaded && !_loadingFilesPromise) { //only trigger the loading once
_loadingFilesPromise = $ocLazyLoad
.load(['/lazyloaded.component.js', '/lazyloaded.component.css'])
.then(function() {
_filesLoaded = true;
// doStuffAfterFilesLoaded();
return _loadingFilesPromise;
hope this helps...
I think it's important to note that lazy loading is done at the module level. Your component will be registered on a module, then you'll lazy load the module as @batista outlined above.
I think it's important to note that lazy loading is done at the module level. Your component will be registered on a module, then you'll lazy load the module as @batista outlined above.
thanks, work for me