@JBBgameich please avoid using force push on branches used in pull requests here. They make it difficult to follow and compare changes and are generally considered an antipattern in most...
The flatpak stuff is only needed for CI builds with linux targets. However the submodule addition adds this third party repository as submodule for everyone who pulls usdx. Tbh, I'd...
could you maybe try self-building the old version, then if that works with microphones, bisect test the versions to figure out which commit broke it?
most likely this is a problem with your audio setup, especially because you only notice this issue since after updating. I'd suggest you to ask for help in a Ubuntu...
you could just create a couple of copies of the .txt file - one .txt per version. A new Edition2 tag just for this use case sounds like typical "Feature...
yes, but at least you can now find them if edition folder view is enabled. For anything else, you'll have to wait for someone to change the code.
@buges could you please describe expected behavior for when the feature is implemented? Apparently a song should still only show up once. So what do you want changed, where should...
just to be clear, this behavior is not a bug, it is as designed. The multi-edition support depending on grouping / sorting mode is a feature request. 😃
as far as I remember, playing with more than 6 players should be fully implemented in the code, but no one started to adjust the theme files for that. So...
Might be easier to use the github wiki for documentation instead of a tex file?