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A language server for Bash

Results 191 bash-language-server issues
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I'm running `bash-language-server` containerised, and it crashes after a few seconds. It _does_ yield actual diagnostics tho, so it doesn't crash at startup. This is the `Dockerfile` I'm using to...

Hello, I am using bash-IDE for VSCODE and missing a feature to check if a given a call to a function is correct. Let's say there should have function in...

Bash language server is installed. ```bash ~/workspace via 🐍 v3.9.6 on ☁️ [email protected] λ which bash-language-server /home/sergey/.asdf/shims/bash-language-server ``` vimrc: ```vim " Эти настройки используются при отстутствии пользовательского конфига source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim...

When opening a shell script in your home folder (`~/`), bash-language-server starts looking through your entire home directory for files. There are two main problems with this: 1. It takes...

### Doom-Emacs settings: default settings in `~/.doom.d/init.el`: ```emacs-lisp (sh +lsp) ``` ### What happened: When a variable is declared as `local`, the variable won't appear in the auto-completion list: However,...

I'd appreciate if something like `git branch --delete patch-1` was highlighted appropriately in VSC. The `--delete` token would be highlighted as a parameter. The `git` token would be highlighted as...


Hi, I was trying to find a way of getting function suggestions from a static path containing shell scripts. I came across the `bashIde.globPattern` settings but I'm not sure if...

I have a repo with a few submodules; nothing out of ordinary: gRPC, Kaldi, and a couple of lesser libs. gRPC has a dozen submodules on its own. Kaldi is...

Since I cannot get the server to work because of #301, I don't know for sure, but in the deluge of messages there are ``` Skipping file file:///home/kkm/work/ikke/ext/grpc/tools/distrib/ with shebang...

version: 1.17.0 editor: nvim plugin: coc I had full of memory consumption, when try to edit bash scripts in repo with linux (kernel) submodule within. How can i ignore some...