bash-language-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bash-language-server copied to clipboard

A language server for Bash

Results 191 bash-language-server issues
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### Code editor neovim ### Platform OS X ### Version 5.1.2 ### What steps will reproduce the bug? ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash this_works() { files=$(find test_dir/ -type f) printf "%s\n" "${files[@]}"...

### Code editor neovim ### Platform Linux ### Version 5.1.2 ### What steps will reproduce the bug? To preserve a top-down structuring in my scripts, I tend to create a...

### Code editor nvim ### Platform Linux ### Version 5.1.2 ### What steps will reproduce the bug? 1. Open a shell script. 2. Type command and invoke autocompletion for the...

### Code editor Visual Studio Code ### Platform Any ### Version 1.39.0 ### What steps will reproduce the bug? Go to definition Foo() { ... } Foo # Jumps to...

### Code editor VS Code ### Platform Linux ### Version bash-language-server -v ### What steps will reproduce the bug? load this file and look at the "OUTLINE" in VS code....

### What is the problem this feature will solve? When I have a bash script that contains several functions I create separations inside the file using following example (here chapter...


### What is the problem this feature will solve? Bash function calls with lots of arguments are hard to parse ```bash somefunction() { local -r foo=$1 local -r bar=$2 local...


Unescaped, they make the snippets invalid; using the builtin snippet expansion from neovim, those two range snippets result in the error `...10.1/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/_snippet_grammar.lua:177: snippet parsing failed`

Please claim the namespace for this extension on OpenVSX

### Code editor Kate ### Platform Linux ### Version _No response_ ### What steps will reproduce the bug? For the `textDocument/format` request, this server sends an invalid range as reply...