bash-language-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bash-language-server copied to clipboard

A language server for Bash

Results 191 bash-language-server issues
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What needs to be done in order to add the ability to rename symbols?

help wanted

I'm working on WSL2 and `tr` is recognized as `trap`. ![image]( To produce it. Just create a new `.sh` file, and type: ``` tr '\n' '\0' ```

I have a bunch of scripts (not least my dotfiles) where I have to deal with both bash and zsh. However whenever I add some zsh syntax, for example `[[...

grammar bug

For a Bash case statement, the individual cases can be matched based on extended glob syntax; Consider the `/+([a-z])` expression in the first branch: ```bash declare -a opts=() declare -a...

grammar bug

The current description for the Bash IDE has a link `bash-language-server` pointing at , which returns a 404 page.

im using neovim and its configured with lua i tried: in my init.lua ```lua require"lspconfig".bashls.setup { filetypes = {"sh", "bash", "zsh"} } ``` but it doesnt work i also tried...

tried installing coc-sh and added the following to my coc-settings.json ``` "languageserver": { "bash": { "command": "bash-language-server", "args": ["start"], "filetypes": ["sh"], "ignoredRootPaths": ["~"] } }, ``` but when opening .sh...

Thank you for creating bash-lsp. I use LSPs with Golang, Rust etc. and have missed the functionality when writing Bash. I was delighted when I inadvertently hovered over a variable...

When running on mac, when the glob encounters a file or directory that is not readable by the current user. ``` (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params (:type 4 :message "Initialized...

### Feature Request Would be nice to be able to configure glob options. 😄 ### Use case For example, glob options `follow: true`. I use `pnpm` to manage shell...