Bart Feenstra
Bart Feenstra
About MD5 versus SHA-*: What if we allow composer.json authors to specify the used algorithm? This plugin can support any algorithm that PHP supports, and then hashes can easily be...
Introduce `DRUPAL_TI_EXTENSION_NAMES`? A project can contain multiple modules, or can be a theme. Seeing as themes can contain PHP code, this is probably the most correct name?
d3.js + could be a possible replacement for Cytoscape. shows one such example. When building your own Betty site, the `betty.plugin.trees.Trees` plugin (0.2.x) or the `betty.trees.Trees` extension (0.3.x) must be enabled, and the person whose page you're looking...
We'd have to: - collect these datetimes for all loaded data - allow code (templates) to enter contexts we collect datetimes of consumed data and keep the moat recent one...
Site generation is significantly slower than before, possibly due to more file I/O since we first copy all files to their destination, then render the tree which, for some renderers,...
The problem is that this completely prevents us from adding fallback templates later, using `jinja2.environment.Environment.select_template()`.
The `betty:privacy` attribute mimics Gramps' existing public/private functionality for resource types that don't have such a privacy setting in Gramps. Additionally it allows for a third option (if the attribute...
One idea is that we can extend these attributes with a tag specified in Betty's Gramps extension's configuration, so that if an attribute includes an additional tag, it's only parsed...
Thanks for opening this issue! It's something I've wanted to add to Betty, but don't really know how to solve well. contemporary addresses are difficult enough (a common problem in...