Results 14 issues of barslmn

Hey, I am using ipywidgets to upload files.While serving using the command `jupyter notebook` I can set the "websocket_max_message_size" as mention [here]( However when I wan't to deploy with voila...

Added mark_safe for html fields in admin pages

Hi, I am trying to filter Select field options in construct_formset method. However in hot table it applies queryset of the first row to rest of the rows. Thanks for...


When labels given with formset_kwargs or in form model, fields with new labels won't submit. As a workaround I replace the label back to original model field name in request.POST.


Hi, Some javascript and css gets blocked by ublock. ## I suspect the issue is at This can be solved by having these embedded or letting the user...

### Description of the bug Hi, This is about the GATK resource bundle but I am opening a bug report here because I encounter this while using this pipeline. dbSNP138...


Hi, Some context what I am trying to achieve, I am looking into gene symbols that could be recognized as dates. So I am trying to parse every gene symbol...

Hi, thanks for the great package. I got the following block: ``` #+begin_src python :tangle /ssh:g5:/mnt/e/epi25/WES/migren/ import pandas as pd pairs = { "a": {'SAMPLE': 'Sample', 'Location': 'Location'}, "b": {'SYMBOL':...

Hi, Thanks for this neat app. I was wondering if there is a way to add another source. Thanks

Hi, [Json feed]( is an alternative to xml feeds. Is there a possiblity for elfeed to read jsonfeeds? Thanks, B