Results 9 comments of barslmn

Run it as a service

In django-extra-views's construct_formset method each form's field can be defined as a query set. But this behaviour does not translate to handsontable because select options are set by column. I...

Or you can add argument of `on_delete=models.CASCADE` to foreign key fields. More here:

I needed this implemented with ajax(because of the large select options). Here is my overly hacky/completed solution for this: In form field i keep the default widget and **don't** use...

I had the same issue. Decompressing the reference fastq.gz and reindexing it with samtools faidx solved it for me. My other steps are [here](

30/12/2022 Update: I preprocess the vcf with following script again: ``` bcftools annotate --rename-chrs chrRename.txt "$1" | bcftools norm -m -any | bcftools norm -f /mnt/d/epi25/hg38.fa.gz | bcftools norm -a...

@LogCrab `bcftools view -c 1` filters the lines if they're variants 0/1, 1/1 etc. That's why the size drops.

My workaround: I downloaded a newer version of the dbSNP from NCBI and supplied these files with `--dbsnp` `--dbsnp_tbi` to pipeline. ``` ```

I noticed the same thing. I run the following ten times: ``` R1="$HOME/sample/U0a_CGATGT_L001_R1_005.fastq.gz" R2="$HOME/sample/U0a_CGATGT_L001_R2_005.fastq.gz" SAMPLE="U0a" OUTPUT_DIR="results.$$" OUTPUT="$OUTPUT_DIR/$SAMPLE" fastp --in1 "$R1" --in2 "$R2" --stdout --html $OUTPUT.fastp.html --json $OUTPUT.fastp.json 2>$OUTPUT.$$.fastp.log | gzip...