Rastislav Barlik
Rastislav Barlik
Hi, any update on this?
Yes, I can. However, I've been looking into fzf completions yesterday and thinking about a different approach for it. FZF completions are currently duplicating some code that's already defined inside...
I don't use synstastic and I've seen that output in the past as well. I reckon it's a bug in vim that might have already been fixed with later versions....
``` ~ ➤ time bash -ic 'for i in {1..1000}; do let x++ ; done; echo $x' 1000 ``` AFAIK there's no sub-shell created. If there was one then `x`...
Switching between AWS profiles is easily done by setting `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable. If you want auto-completion, you can use a below code snippet. Add it to your `.bashrc`, and modify...
@wucke13 URxvt has focus lost fading built in already. The relevant parameters are: `-fade` and `-fadecolor`. To see the effect run: `urxvt -fade 20 -fadecolor grey`
Sorry, my browser went nuts.
From the manual: > Another special type of tag are tags that start with the exclamation mark. When > such a tag is found, the feed is hidden from the...
Works for me too. awesome v3.5.6 (For Those About To Rock) • Build: May 5 2015 05:45:29 for x86_64 by gcc version 5.1.0 (builduser@) • Compiled against Lua 5.3.0 (running...
Maybe try with different font.