Barak Ugav
Barak Ugav
Im compiling using 'cargo build' with '--target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu', and the compilation fails as it doesn't detect bazel. I have installed bazel and added it to path on windows. As the script...
The implementation of the Hash trait uses only the field 'hash' which is only affected by the pieces positions. On the other hand, the implementation of PartialEq compare all fields...
The standard java.util.Comparator provide few static methods to create a Comparator from an key extractor function: ``` static Comparator comparing(Function keyExtractor); static Comparator comparing(Function keyExtractor, Comparator keyComparator); static Comparator comparingInt(ToIntFunction...
In its well documented how to translate artifact url to a link, for links such as But Github API for listing existing artifacts ( gives access to...
Is there a reason why `squeeze()` is not provided by the library? Its very useful. I think it can be implemented fairly easily: ```Rust pub trait Squeeze { fn squeeze(self)...
Is there support for Apple Metal Performance Shaders (MPS)?
First of all, thanks for the support! love the action and use it all the time. Currently, when you dont specify a version of uv explicitly, there is a warning:...
### Problem I have a monorepo with multiple Rust crates that depends on one another with both a path and version dependency. An example for a line in `Cargo.toml`: ```toml...
Similar to `, n))' but does not require knowing n