
Results 12 comments of baracunatana

I managed to compile, run, and load a basic config using the following commands from MinGW 64 ``` pacman -Syu pacman -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-xpm-nox mingw-w64-x86_64-libtiff mingw-w64-x86_64-giflib mingw-w64-x86_64-jbigkit mingw-w64-x86_64-libpng mingw-w64-x86_64-libjpeg-turbo...

The pdf-tools issues are fixed with It hast to be done manualy while the PR is accepted in the pdf-tools repo. However, I can't seem to make pdf-tools work...

All I see in the `*Delve DB Interactinos*` buffer is: ``` 08/16/22 14:44:37 [:select (funcall count *) :from nodes] 08/16/22 14:44:37 -- query returns 1 items in 0.00 seconds. 08/16/22...

This is what worked for me: ``` (require 'use-package) (require 'general) (use-package origami :general (:keymaps 'org-super-agenda-header-map "" #'origami-toggle-node) :config :hook ((org-agenda-mode . origami-mode) )) ``` Just include this in your...

As mentioned in, it seems to be a problem with a recently removed function and variable in emacs head. The (temporary) solution in (running `(defvar read-symbol-positions-list nil)`) fixes...

> I'm not sure if it's a result of read-symbol-positions-list being nil or something totally unrelated, but tbh I don't see where something got two arguments instead of 1, so...

@Phundrak Thanks for the help. I tried your customization for `org-msg-default-alternatives` and `org-msg` is now launched when replying to a message. However, it isn't converting the citation to outlook format...

I can confirm that going back to `mu4e` `1.6.10` (from `1.8.1`) solves the issue. It seems that recent changes in `mu4e` interfered with `org-msg` in some way.

> I still have the issue of org-msg not firing up if org-mode is not loaded on my side. What if you configure it with only `:after (mu4e)`

@benthamite My debugging skill are not up to this challenge, so I just went back to `mu` 1.6.10 and it works perfectlly now.