@yoreland I have use agora sdk with uvc camer library in android studio and successfully renderind the video . But there is a problem that while streaming video from uvc...
no sdk work proferly . because mobile's microphone audio is streamed . but when i drive to stream uvc camera's microphone it doesn't work
> @thkim0118 Can you check [this code]( We do have some fix on this example and is about to merge to master very soon i try to open that link...
thank you i will try this
i already used it and it doesn't work proberly.
how did you get audio from external camera ?
thank you for you comment
yeah thank you for your reply . can i know how to devide audio from mCameraHelper.setOnPreviewFrameListener(new AbstractUVCCameraHandler.OnPreViewResultListener() { @Override public void onPreviewResult(byte[] bytes) {} i want to get uvc camera...
have you fix it?