User requesting installation of Next Gen sequencing app Subread:
They now have some additional modules that are required by one of their students so 6.1 required. See RF ticket for installer location. Must be installed as a reserved application...
User needs commands that are only in the latest version. Note current version may also have a bug in it. Build will need at least GNU 10.2 or similar and...
All existing mpi4py and h5py modules are built with GNU 4.9.2. User wants to run a mixed PyTorch and h5py script using the working PyTorch 1.11.0 on Myriad GPUs. We...
The current AFNI (module _afni/22.2.05_) was built using GSL 2.4 which depends on GNU 4.9.2. We need to update it to use gsl/2.7/gnu-10.2.0. Required on Myriad first.
Currently we have version 4.0.1 without PSML support. Latest version (4.1.5?) with PSML support available from:
The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualisation of earth science data which can also run in...
User tried to install local copy but it needs to add files to the SPM installation in /shared/ucl. Installation details are here: This should be fairly easy provided there...
IDL 8.7.3 fails to start on Myriad: ``` module load idl/8.7.3 idl ``` ``` (null): [1,7E1,8,0[70000004,0,190A00]] Data corruption found. : Data corruption found. (code : 1879048196) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code...
User needs Intel compilers and tools newer than 2021 on Young plus a version of HDF5 to use with them eg: intel-oneapi-compilers-2022.0.1, intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.5.0 etc.