rcps-buildscripts copied to clipboard
Update AFNI to work with R 4.2.0 [IN05781228]
The current AFNI (module afni/22.2.05) was built using GSL 2.4 which depends on GNU 4.9.2. We need to update it to use gsl/2.7/gnu-10.2.0.
Required on Myriad first.
Might as well use the latest version - AFNI_23.0.02
Downloaded the source code which has no obvious version number so checking to make sure it is 23.0.02 😢
I had to do a test build from the downloaded source to get at the version number. Confirmed that it is 23.0.02:
afni version : Precompiled binary linux_openmp_64: Jan 27 2023
: AFNI_23.0.02 'Commodus'
AFNI_version.txt : AFNI_23.0.02, linux_openmp_64, Jan 27 2023
I will now update the build script and do an install into /shared/ucl/apps.
Downloaded source archive is now in:
on both Myriad and Kathleen.
I've now got an updated build script ready to go. Will pull down to Myriad and run on Monday.
Build script run as follows on Myriad:
cd /shared./ucl/apps/build_scripts
./afni-23.0.02_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Software/AFNI/afni-23.0.02_install.log-30012023
has completed without errors.
Module file updated for new version.
Using the following modules:
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load r/recommended
module load afni/23.0.02
quick test running:
afni_system_check.py -check_all | less
-------------------------------- general ---------------------------------
architecture: 64bit ELF
cpu type: x86_64
system: Linux
release: 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64
version: #1 SMP Tue Feb 18 16:39:12 EST 2020
distribution: rhel 7.8 Maipo
number of CPUs: 36
apparent login shell: bash
shell RC file: .bashrc (exists)
--------------------- AFNI and related program tests ---------------------
which afni : /shared/ucl/apps/afni/23.0.02/gnu-10.2.0/afni
afni version : Precompiled binary linux_openmp_64: Jan 30 2023
: AFNI_23.0.02 'Commodus'
AFNI_version.txt : AFNI_23.0.02, linux_openmp_64, Jan 30 2023
which python : /shared/ucl/apps/python/bundles/gnu-10.2.0/python39-6.0.0/venv/bin/python
python version : 3.9.6
which R : /shared/ucl/apps/R/R-4.2.0-OpenBLAS/bin/R
R version : R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22) -- "Vigorous Calisthenics"
which tcsh : /usr/bin/tcsh
instances of various programs found in PATH:
afni : 1 (/lustre/shared/ucl/apps/afni/23.0.02/gnu-10.2.0/afni)
R : 2
python : 2
python2 : 1 (/usr/bin/python2.7)
python3 : 1 (/lustre/shared/ucl/apps/python/3.9.6/gnu-10.2.0/bin/python3.9)
testing ability to start various programs...
afni : success
suma : success
3dSkullStrip : success
uber_subject.py : success
3dAllineate : success
3dRSFC : success
SurfMesh : success
3dClustSim : success
3dMVM : success
checking for R packages...
rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL -check : FAILURE
oo Warning:
These packages are not installed on the computer: afex!
These packages are not installed on the computer: phia!
These packages are not installed on the computer: lmerTest!
These packages are not installed on the computer: paran!
These packages are not installed on the computer: brms!
These packages are not installed on the computer: corrplot!
R RHOME : /shared/ucl/apps/R/R-4.2.0-OpenBLAS/lib64/R
checking for $HOME files...
.afnirc : missing
.sumarc : missing
.afni/help/all_progs.COMP : missing
------------------------------ python libs -------------------------------
** failed to load module PyQt4
-- PyQt4 is no longer needed for an AFNI bootcamp
++ module loaded: matplotlib.pyplot
module file : /shared/ucl/apps/python/bundles/gnu-10.2.0/python39-6.0.0/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py
matplotlib version : 3.4.3
Replied to requester who has tested and says it is working.
Will now install on Kathleen.
Installed on Kathleen.
Done on Myriad and Kathleen.
AFNI is not in Spack so will need to create a package file for it.
There may be a problem with the installation and interaction with R. Need to investigate next week.
The AFNI installation is missing some R packages which is why the integration of the two applications is not working. At least I think this may be the problem.
I'm updating the build script.
Build script updated to install the ANFI R packages by adding:
# Install ANFI R packages
rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL
Run again on Myriad and back to the user for testing.
User reports that this has worked.
Updating on Kathleen.
Now also updated on Kathleen.