Benjamin Alpert
Benjamin Alpert
@alexsomesan can you look into this one? Issue #1699 blocks alot of users to actually use `kubernetes_resource` as a reliable source for inspecting a status (contrary as stated in
I have tried to verify the patch to maybe solve a problem I face. @alexsomesan funnily enough the proposed change does not return the `status` of an object that definitely...
@St0rmingBr4in @alexsomesan so after a lengthy debugging session I have found the problem - or rather the solution. The patch to fix (including changes by @St0rmingBr4in) ``` diff --git a/manifest/provider/datasource.go...
see my comment on - the `delete(in, "status)` is omitted in the PR, however I am not able to receive `status` from an object that definitely has one (here:...
Hi all, I had some time to dig into this issue (disclaimer: I am a colleage of @nwakalka). What is missed here is the fact that we run two complete...
@swoehrl-mw any news on this? we see the same issue where after the securityconfig update job has run and all opensearch pods have been restarted we are stuck with this...