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Do not remove server side fields for datasources

Open St0rmingBr4in opened this issue 2 years ago • 9 comments

Server side fields for datasources should not be deleted.

This allows reading the status field for the generic kubernetes_resource datasource. Thus this PR Fixes https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes/issues/1699

St0rmingBr4in avatar Aug 10 '22 12:08 St0rmingBr4in

CLA assistant check
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hashicorp-cla avatar Aug 10 '22 12:08 hashicorp-cla

Hi and thanks for contributing this. The change looks good, I think this is a useful improvement.

However, did you actually run the test on your side? AFAIK there is no status attribute on ConfigMap objects. There is no way the test can use ConfigMaps to validate this change.

My suggestion would be to base the test for this on a Deployment or something that exposes a status.

As soon as we have a working test, I think this is good to go.


alexsomesan avatar Aug 16 '22 15:08 alexsomesan

Yes, indeed, I'm making the change to test properly.

St0rmingBr4in avatar Aug 17 '22 08:08 St0rmingBr4in

I'm not able to run the tests in the ./manifest/test/acceptance directory, maybe I'm doing something wrong. I am able to run the acceptance tests in the ./kubernetes directory and they are passing so my kube setup is working Here is the issue I'm facing:

TF_ACC=1 go test ./manifest/test/acceptance                                                   
package github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes/manifest/test/acceptance: build constraints exclude all Go files in /Users/julien.doche/Documents/git-repos/terraform-provider-kubernetes/manifest/test/acceptance

Did not find documentation on how to run the tests in the ./manifest/test/acceptance directory.

As a workaround I tried to create a new test in the ./kubernetes directory but it is failing with

    data_source_kubernetes_resource_test.go:16: Step 2/2 error: Error running pre-apply refresh: exit status 1
        Error: Invalid data source
          on terraform_plugin_test.tf line 10, in data "kubernetes_resource" "test":
          10: data "kubernetes_resource" "test" {
        The provider hashicorp/kubernetes does not support data source

Not sure why, I believe the kubernetes_resource datasource is enabled by default so it should work.

St0rmingBr4in avatar Aug 22 '22 15:08 St0rmingBr4in

@alexsomesan can you look into this one? Issue #1699 blocks alot of users to actually use kubernetes_resource as a reliable source for inspecting a status (contrary as stated in https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes/pull/1548

balpert89 avatar Sep 15 '22 14:09 balpert89

I have tried to verify the patch to maybe solve a problem I face. @alexsomesan funnily enough the proposed change does not return the status of an object that definitely has one.

I have cloned the sourcecode and applied @St0rmingBr4in code changes, built the binaries and used them locally. The result is: I can see dynamic fields (e.g. metadata.managedFields), but status is not in the returned object.

I have used the following:


terraform {
  required_providers {
    kubernetes = {
      source  = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
      version = "~> 2.13.1"


provider "kubernetes" {
  config_path = "resources/kube-config"

data "kubernetes_resource" "test-deployment" {
  api_version = "apps/v1"
  kind        = "Deployment"

  metadata {
    name      = "cert-manager"
    namespace = "cert-manager"


output "test" {
  value = data.kubernetes_resource.test-deployment.object.metadata.managedFields


Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


test = [
    "apiVersion" = "apps/v1"
    "fieldsType" = "FieldsV1"
    "fieldsV1" = {
      "f:metadata" = {
        "f:labels" = {
          "f:app" = {}
          "f:app.kubernetes.io/component" = {}
          "f:app.kubernetes.io/instance" = {}
          "f:app.kubernetes.io/name" = {}
          "f:app.kubernetes.io/version" = {}
          "f:kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/name" = {}
          "f:kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/namespace" = {}
      "f:spec" = {
        "f:replicas" = {}
        "f:selector" = {}
        "f:strategy" = {}
        "f:template" = {
          "f:metadata" = {
            "f:annotations" = {
              "f:prometheus.io/path" = {}
              "f:prometheus.io/port" = {}
              "f:prometheus.io/scrape" = {}
            "f:creationTimestamp" = {}
            "f:labels" = {
              "f:app" = {}
              "f:app.kubernetes.io/component" = {}
              "f:app.kubernetes.io/instance" = {}
              "f:app.kubernetes.io/name" = {}
              "f:app.kubernetes.io/version" = {}
          "f:spec" = {
            "f:containers" = {
              "k:{\"name\":\"cert-manager\"}" = {
                "." = {}
                "f:args" = {}
                "f:env" = {
                  "k:{\"name\":\"POD_NAMESPACE\"}" = {
                    "." = {}
                    "f:name" = {}
                    "f:valueFrom" = {
                      "f:fieldRef" = {
                        "f:fieldPath" = {}
                "f:image" = {}
                "f:imagePullPolicy" = {}
                "f:name" = {}
                "f:ports" = {
                  "k:{\"containerPort\":9402,\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}" = {
                    "." = {}
                    "f:containerPort" = {}
                    "f:name" = {}
                    "f:protocol" = {}
                "f:resources" = {}
                "f:securityContext" = {
                  "f:allowPrivilegeEscalation" = {}
            "f:nodeSelector" = {
              "f:kubernetes.io/os" = {}
            "f:securityContext" = {
              "f:runAsNonRoot" = {}
            "f:serviceAccountName" = {}
    "manager" = "kustomize-controller"
    "operation" = "Apply"
    "time" = "2022-08-31T14:24:40Z"
    "apiVersion" = "apps/v1"
    "fieldsType" = "FieldsV1"
    "fieldsV1" = {
      "f:metadata" = {
        "f:annotations" = {
          "." = {}
          "f:deployment.kubernetes.io/revision" = {}
      "f:status" = {
        "f:availableReplicas" = {}
        "f:conditions" = {
          "." = {}
          "k:{\"type\":\"Available\"}" = {
            "." = {}
            "f:lastTransitionTime" = {}
            "f:lastUpdateTime" = {}
            "f:message" = {}
            "f:reason" = {}
            "f:status" = {}
            "f:type" = {}
          "k:{\"type\":\"Progressing\"}" = {
            "." = {}
            "f:lastTransitionTime" = {}
            "f:lastUpdateTime" = {}
            "f:message" = {}
            "f:reason" = {}
            "f:status" = {}
            "f:type" = {}
        "f:observedGeneration" = {}
        "f:readyReplicas" = {}
        "f:replicas" = {}
        "f:updatedReplicas" = {}
    "manager" = "kube-controller-manager"
    "operation" = "Update"
    "time" = "2022-08-31T14:24:46Z"

When I change outputs.tf to:

output "test" {
  value = data.kubernetes_resource.test-deployment.object.status

An error is returned:

│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│   on outputs.tf line 2, in output "test":
│    2:   value = data.kubernetes_resource.test-deployment.object.status
│     ├────────────────
│     │ data.kubernetes_resource.test-deployment.object is object with 4 attributes
│ This object does not have an attribute named "status".

To further debug I have added a check that appends an error when res.Oject["status"] is not nil:

Index: manifest/provider/datasource.go
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/manifest/provider/datasource.go b/manifest/provider/datasource.go
--- a/manifest/provider/datasource.go	(revision 83c23ce21474fa594ddf313f18210862197ba688)
+++ b/manifest/provider/datasource.go	(date 1663274491439)
@@ -148,8 +148,16 @@
 		return resp, nil
-	fo := RemoveServerSideFields(res.Object)
-	nobj, err := payload.ToTFValue(fo, objectType, th, tftypes.NewAttributePath())
+	if res.Object["status"] != nil {
+		resp.Diagnostics = append(resp.Diagnostics, &tfprotov5.Diagnostic{
+			Severity: tfprotov5.DiagnosticSeverityError,
+			Summary:  "DEBUG !!! The 'status' field on 'res.Object' is not empty !!! DEBUG",
+			Detail:   "Debug Error",
+		})
+		return resp, nil
+	}
+	nobj, err := payload.ToTFValue(res.Object, objectType, th, tftypes.NewAttributePath())
 	if err != nil {
 		resp.Diagnostics = append(resp.Diagnostics, &tfprotov5.Diagnostic{
 			Severity: tfprotov5.DiagnosticSeverityError,

And - surprise - I can see the error when running terraform apply:

│ Error: DEBUG !!! The 'status' field on 'res.Object' is not empty !!! DEBUG
│   with data.kubernetes_resource.test-deployment,
│   on main.tf line 15, in data "kubernetes_resource" "test-deployment":
│   15: data "kubernetes_resource" "test-deployment" {
│ Debug Error

Edit: I have also omitted the delete(in, "status") call in func RemoveServerSideFields just to be sure, but to no avail. The status is still not returned.

balpert89 avatar Sep 15 '22 21:09 balpert89

@St0rmingBr4in @alexsomesan so after a lengthy debugging session I have found the problem - or rather the solution. The patch to fix (including changes by @St0rmingBr4in)

diff --git a/manifest/provider/datasource.go b/manifest/provider/datasource.go
--- a/manifest/provider/datasource.go	(revision 83c23ce21474fa594ddf313f18210862197ba688)
+++ b/manifest/provider/datasource.go	(date 1663322404109)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 	rcl := client.Resource(gvr)
-	objectType, th, err := s.TFTypeFromOpenAPI(ctx, gvk, false)
+	objectType, th, err := s.TFTypeFromOpenAPI(ctx, gvk, true)
 	if err != nil {
 		resp.Diagnostics = append(resp.Diagnostics, &tfprotov5.Diagnostic{
 			Severity: tfprotov5.DiagnosticSeverityError,
@@ -148,8 +148,7 @@
 		return resp, nil
-	fo := RemoveServerSideFields(res.Object)
-	nobj, err := payload.ToTFValue(fo, objectType, th, tftypes.NewAttributePath())
+	nobj, err := payload.ToTFValue(res.Object, objectType, th, tftypes.NewAttributePath())
 	if err != nil {
 		resp.Diagnostics = append(resp.Diagnostics, &tfprotov5.Diagnostic{
 			Severity: tfprotov5.DiagnosticSeverityError,

As you can see, the func call s.TFTypeFromOpenAPI(ctx, gvk, true) instructs the provider to get the status schema definition as well (with the true). With this, I am able to pull status information from an object.

@alexsomesan how can we proceed with the PR?

balpert89 avatar Sep 16 '22 12:09 balpert89

Great I'll try applying the changes to test this on my part. If I'm not mistaken my patch worked without having to change the arguments to TFTypeFromOpenAPI. I'll dig a bit into that. For the test I'll try to give it another shot.

St0rmingBr4in avatar Sep 18 '22 19:09 St0rmingBr4in

Included @balpert89 changes and added a test using a kubernetes deployment as test data.

St0rmingBr4in avatar Sep 19 '22 13:09 St0rmingBr4in

Sorry, this fell of my radar. I'm having a look at the updates in the next couple of days.

alexsomesan avatar Oct 12 '22 13:10 alexsomesan

@alexsomesan well if you could approve the workflows that would be great! ^^

St0rmingBr4in avatar Oct 12 '22 17:10 St0rmingBr4in

@alexsomesan Hey, have you found a bit of time to take a look at this ? ☺️

St0rmingBr4in avatar Oct 24 '22 08:10 St0rmingBr4in

@BBBmau Could you please approve the running workflows so that the CI runs on this change ? Thanks.

St0rmingBr4in avatar Nov 02 '22 15:11 St0rmingBr4in

Nice, all green! Only the review is missing now 😊

St0rmingBr4in avatar Nov 03 '22 08:11 St0rmingBr4in

I'm going to lock this pull request because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems related to this change, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.

github-actions[bot] avatar Dec 04 '22 02:12 github-actions[bot]