Milos Balac
Milos Balac
Hello, Unfortunately, you cannot run carsharing or any other contrib by using these JARs directly. My advice would be to create your own project and add the necessary dependencies. In...
Yes, I agree with you @JWJoubert that it is a matter of perspective. On the other hand, I am not sure how much easier it is to spot 03:25:15 than...
This is a similar issue as reported in #577. Probably you need to use Java version below version 16
Hi Selin, Could you provide us with the following information please: - logfile of the simulation where this occurs - does this happen without carsharing? - does this happen already...
Hi Selin, Can you please provide the full log and not errors and warnings logfile. If this is happening in iteration 0 it should have nothing to do with carsharing....
Hi Selin, I see from your log file that you did change your input plans by assigning carsharing mode to a lot of trips. Can you please tell us what...
Did you assign the available modes to the links in your network file? By default they are probably only allowing car mode, but if you want also other modes to...
Maybe I can add just a bit more to the discussion. I see that your simulation is hanging during the PersonPrepareForSim. This is probably due to memory requirements for routing...
Dear @Transtars , MATSim uses a queue based model for the simulation of traffic. The approach is rather simple (as the focus in MATSIm is not on the microscopic traffic...
Hi @rara1484 , To answer your first question it would be great if you could share your log file as a starting point. For your second question. If you want...