Taija Björklund
Taija Björklund
Design a color schema that matches the brand colors (used in logo). Make sure the color schema can be selected for deployments (esp. apinf.io). Investigate which parts of the UI...
# User story > As an API owner, I want to create API documents so that they can be viewed in APInf for my API > As an API owner,...
Start by listing the differences required to forms based on spec version 3.0
Ensure that yaml output is indented properly and the file produced by OpenAPi designer can be used/viewed in Swagger Hub. Also, ensure that the yaml indentations are properly formatted and...
# Goal Create a package that can be easily integrated into other Javascript based applications, such as APInf. Technology to be decided: NPM, [Bower](https://bower.io/), any other?
_From @kyyberi on November 3, 2015 17:2_ Since we are supporting API design in apinf, we need to have management for the designs as well. Management is versioning, co-authoring, comparing...
There should be flags to indicate the status of translations (e.g. draft, reviewed). Typically, all translations should be proofread by another person (translator). So this kind of indication would enable...
Are there any plans for recording revision history of translations? For example, how the translations have changed over time and who has modified translations. It might also be useful to...
For checking or proofreading translations, it could be beneficial to be able to select several languages that could be viewed side by side. This allows for example to see consistency...
Currently, the translation UI allows developers to name / identify languages using arbitraty codes for languages. This results in two different issues: 1) not being able to match browser locale...