Bailey Hollingsworth
Bailey Hollingsworth
Perhaps introducing some kind of tagging process to differentiate the level of how easy an application is would be better than flat out removing a company. Manually filling out forms...
I am getting microstuttering as well with all dynamic light sources. The microstuttering stops set to fastest or fast. I7-10700, Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070, 32GB/4gb allocated This is from...
Tried the latest 1.19.1 marked for forge, still a missing class crash Discord Integration (dcintegration) encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase[2022-07-31 10:27:29]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/erdbeerbaerlp/dcintegration/common/storage/CommandRegistry[2022-07-31 10:27:29]: ][2022-07-31 10:27:29]: at...
Confirmed on forge with crash above with [Forge 1.19.1] v6.0.34 Architectuary Identity 2.5.0
Is there a tag like a json file to add? Or are you saying just tamed creatures in general
The mana message will not send duplicate messages if the last message was the same, there is a built in method for non-spamming messages. The dominion wand probably does not...
Are you playing on LAN, or a modified server?
Yeah this was added with the new tooltip system, likely somewhere in there.
Are you on the latest version of geckolib for 1.18 or 1.19?
Appears to be related to the whirlisprig using the event bus to listen to tree growth, and it is registering itself and failing when these client mods recreate the mob...